【好人聚會】Rock Your Profile with LinkedIn!

Jun 17, 2022
Location:Zoom Meeting Room
Epoch Family

Epoch Family 首次與全球最大專業社群平台 LinkedIn 合作,邀請負責香港與台灣的Enterprise Solutions Manager Kathy 和 Nicole,分享如何透過社群平台,建立人脈網絡、經營個人品牌,為自己的職涯開創新的可能。除了建立完整的個人 profile、積極連結專業網絡,她們更分享三個使用 LinkedIn 的小撇步:Searchable key words, Be active, Practice your pitch。只要隨時做好準備,每個人都可以成為獨一無二閃亮亮的鑽石人才!


🌟 你知道除了求職網,有更多跨國企業都在 LinkedIn 找尋人才嗎?

🌟 你知道要如何在 LinkedIn 平台上建立專業形象,讓好公司找到你嗎?

🌟 除了履歷,你知道在社群平台發文也能得到好工作嗎?

6月我們很榮幸與 LinkedIn 合作,邀請到 2 位負責香港與台灣的 Enterprise Solutions Manager:Kathy & Nicole,來跟大家介紹這個擁有全球超過 8 億、台灣超過 280 萬用戶的專業人士社群平台。並以自身經驗,分享該如何在社群中經營個人品牌,成為求職市場中的鑽石。立即點擊下方報名按鈕搶門票!活動詳情如下:

► 時間:6/17 (五) 12:00 - 13:00 (11:50 報到)

► 地點:Zoom Meeting Room (活動連結將於完成報名後提供)

報名時間:請於 6/15 (三) 23:59 前完成報名


11:50-12:00      報到

12:00-12:05      開場介紹 Kathy & Nicole 講師

12:05-12:50      如何善用 LinkedIn 經營個人品牌

12:50-13:00      Q&A


Kathy Ho, Enterprise Solutions Manager, Talent Solutions, Hong Kong & Taiwan 

Kathy started her career as a headhunter in Japan, she moved back to Hong Kong and received an InMail that changed her life. She started her LinkedIn journey as a CSM, helped MNCs clients to achieve their recruitment goals, employer brand strategy and making their lives easier. Recently she moved to a business development role to focus on finding and educating people on LinkedIn in Hong Kong and Taiwan.

Nicole Kuo, Enterprise Solutions Manager, Talent Solutions, Taiwan 

Before Nicole joined LinkedIn, she used to work in the FinTech industry with a focus on marketing, events ,and public relations in Hong Kong. She joined LinkedIn as a Marketing and Event Support Executive to organise internal and customer events in Hong Kong & Taiwan. Currently, she’s the Enterprise Solutions Manager at LinkedIn Taiwan and she partners with corporates to transform the way they recruit, engage and uplift their talents.
